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Law firms may be forced to publish diversity figures
Topics in Legal News | 2010/09/05 07:28
pJustice may be blind, but the legal profession isn't, and from next year the public may get to see just what kind of people they are buying their legal services from./pp sizset=65 sizcache=0The a title= href= color=#005689Legal Services Board (LSB)/font/a, the body responsible for overseeing the regulation of lawyers in England and Wales, is mulling over a title= href= color=#005689plans that would require law firms and chambers to compile and publish comprehensive diversity information about their staff/font/a . This would include the seven diversity strands – age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation and working patterns – plus social mobility./ppThe work is the latest in a string of initiatives aimed at changing the profile of the profession. However, the headline statistics are pretty good. Women have made huge strides over the last 40 years and it will not be long before they make up the majority of solicitors, while black and minority ethnic (BME) lawyers are over-represented in the profession in proportion to the population as a whole./ppBut this only tells part of the story. The LSB notes that much of the work has focused, successfully, on entry level. For example, only a quarter of law firm partners are women, and a mere 3.5% of partners in the biggest 150 firms are BME. The anticipated 'trickle up' effect has not materialised, it says. There is also evidence of significant pay differentials, as well as concern that the impressive BME statistics mask significant under-representation for some groups, such as African-Caribbean men and Bangladeshi women./p

Lynberg Watkins
Legal Marketing News | 2010/09/03 07:18
Since its inception, Lynberg amp; Watkins has grown to represent clients on a local, regional and national basis. The firm maintains two California offices: one in the center of the Los Angeles financial district and one in the heart of Orange County.

The firm has experienced continued growth since its founding in 1971 allowing it to actively practice in many diverse areas of the law. The firm's representation is substantially on behalf of defendants, insurance companies and their insureds, public entities and self-insuring organizations.

We are structured into teams providing clients with the benefits of collective experience and knowledge.nbsp; Senior members of the firm have the responsibility for supervising a team comprised of associate attorneys, paralegals and support personnel.nbsp; Each client matter is assigned to one senior member of the firm who bears the ultimate responsibility for its handling from inception through trial. The senior member and associates are at all times readily accessible and available to the client.

The firm includes attorneys who are long-standing members of the American Board of Trial Advocates, the Association of Southern California Defense Counsel, The Defense Research Institute, The International Association of Defense Counsel and California SuperLawyers.nbsp; Our trial attorneys have tried literally hundreds of cases to verdict, both simple and highly complex, in state and federal courts throughout the country.nbsp; We are able to provide our clients with a level of trial experience rarely found in most firms, regardless of size.

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Estate Planning - Lifetime Planning
Legal Marketing News | 2010/09/03 07:17
div class=contentpaneopenMarathon Legal LLC

Estate planning is a gift to yourself and to the people you love.nbsp; Even those of modest wealth should plan their estates, because modern estate planning means more than distributing property and avoiding taxes.nbsp; At its core, fine estate planning reaches beyond tax and distribution concerns by including written expressions of your values as they pertain to the relationships you have with other people and the wishes you have for your own care should self-care become impossible.nbsp; Fine estate planning minimizes family acrimony and mitigates the burden which poor planning transfers to the people you love when you pass away or become incapacitated.

As these comments suggest, estate planning can address a wide variety of concerns.nbsp; Although two estate plans are rarely identical, Wisconsin law has developed reliable ways to address most common concerns.nbsp; What follows are brief descriptions of the most common estate planning concerns and the corresponding legal mechanisms which are best designed to address them.

strongAvoiding Probate/strong
The length and cost of probate should be of special concern to Wisconsin residents with estates whose monetary value exceeds $50,000.nbsp; Avoiding these pitfalls of probate normally involves ensuring that one’s assets are properly titled and beneficiaries properly designated.nbsp; Sometimes trusts are the most practical way to save your family the expense and burden of probate.
Providing for Minor Children/strong
Planning your estate affords you the opportunity to speak on behalf of your minor children should you pass away or become disabled.nbsp; Rather than having a court decide who will care for them, your estate plan allows you to name appropriate guardians of your choice.nbsp; Your plan can also address how you wish to provide for your children’s support.
Incapacity Planning/strong
As life expectancies lengthen, planning for incapacity or disability becomes increasingly important.nbsp; Powers of attorney, advance directives, and other documented instructions enable the people you trust to manage your finances and healthcare when you cannot do these things for yourself.nbsp; These aspects of your plan minimize the time and hassle others may encounter when trying to act on your behalf.
Minimizing Estate Taxes/strong
Large estates should be concerned about laws which tax the transfer of wealth from older to younger generations.nbsp; Fortunately, these laws also reward those who plan ahead.nbsp; With proper planning, it is not uncommon for large estates to save tens-of-thousands of dollars in estate taxes – far more than the cost of most well-drafted plans. /div

Marathon Legal LLC
Legal Marketing | 2010/09/01 07:17
Marathon Legal LLC enhances the legal profession by delivering exceptionally honest, transparent, and thorough legal representation at a fair price to the residents and businesses of Wisconsin. The firm improves the quality of human relations by modeling relationships built on trust and by rendering sound legal advice which promotes enduring justice, fairness, and goodwill. Marathon Legal LLC connects busy people to the operation of law as seamlessly as modern markets and technology practically allow.

Marathon Legal LLC provides business law, estate planning, and family law services to all of Central Wisconsin, including Marathon County, Marshfield, Portage County, Schofield, Stevens Point, Wausau, Weston, Wisconsin Rapids and Wood County.

DOJ's elite Public Integrity unit gets new leader
Lawyer Media News | 2010/08/30 09:02
pThe Justice Department's Public Integrity Section has a storied 34-year history of pursuing corruption in government and safeguarding the public trust./ppThat trust was breached, however, when some of the unit's prosecutors failed to turn over evidence favorable to the defense in their high-profile criminal trial of Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, who died earlier this month in a plane crash./ppNow Jack Smith, a 41-year-old prosecutor with a love for courtroom work and an impressive record, has been brought in to restore the elite unit's credibility./ppBefore Stevens, Public Integrity's renown was built on large successes — like the prosecution of the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal and convictions of federal and state judges, members of Congress and state legislators, military officers, federal lawmen and bureaucrats and their state counterparts over the years./ppBut its stumble — not disclosing exculpatory evidence as Supreme Court precedent requires — was equally large. It was so serious that Attorney General Eric Holder, one of Public Integrity's distinguished alums, stepped in and asked a federal judge to throw out Stevens' convictions./p

Thousands sign on for $10 billion BP suit
Legal News | 2010/08/30 07:01
pThe revelation that BP's Texas City refinery emitted toxic benzene for more than a month has ignited a furor in the port community that has suffered its share of deadly industrial accidents and toxic spills./ppThousands of residents who fear they may have been exposed to the known carcinogen released at the oil refinery from April 6 to May 16 have been flooding parking lots and conference halls where local trial attorneys hosted information sessions and sought clients for class-action lawsuits against the oil giant./ppBP faces the new challenge just as it is reaching a key milestone in another crisis — plugging the Gulf of Mexico well that blew out in an oil spill disaster that is costing the company billions of dollars./ppOn Wednesday, more than 3,400 people lined the hallways and sidewalks around the Nessler Center to sign on to a $10 billion class-action lawsuit filed Tuesday in Galveston federal court by Friendswood attorney Anthony Buzbee. /ppThe lawsuit alleges the release of 500,000 pounds of chemicals - including 17,000 pounds of benzene - has jeopardized the health and property values of people who live and work in the area. At the nearby College of the Mainland, a separate town hall meeting drew a crowd of 600. /p

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